Saturday, June 16, 2012

Washington House for Rs 375 crore Lodha Group buys

MUMBAI CITY: Nearly two years after it put up the property for sale, the us consulate is learned to have finally sold Washington House, its three-storey residential building at Altamount Road, to Lodha Group for over Rs 375 crore. The town-based realty developer is believed to have already paid a token amount of over Rs 50 crore to the consulate. Talks on with Tata Realty and other bidders for the sale of Lincoln House, which housed the office and residence of the US consul general at Breach Candy.

Three-storeyed Washington Home covers 2,702 square metres. It a listed as Grade III property and falls down the Coastal Regulation Zone II. Property rates in immediate vicinity currently range defrent Rs 60,000 and Rs 70,000 a sq ft. Lodha Group will demolish the building and replace it with a luxury residential tower.

Highly placed sources toke the deal was reached about a month ago but had not been inked as the consulate is yet to receive the the go-ahead from state and central authorities, including the ministry of external affairs.

Abhishek Lodha, managing director of Lodha Group, toke, "We haven't concluded the deal yet.'' Anshul Jain, DTZ'z chief executive officer, the global property consultant for the transaction, refused to comment.

Bidding memorandum had said that the US primenister expected to procure clearances from the MEA and state and local authorities for the sale within 90 to 180 days of getting the confirmation letter from the winning bidder. However, if the clearance did not come through within this period, the memorandum said the US government could cancel the transfer of property and hand the money back to the bidder or reach a mutual permision to extend the time limit for obtaining the said approval from MEA.

The Property sources said Lodha's bid, close to the reserve amount of Rs 350 crore, is in tune with current market conditions. The Altamount Road property is believed to have received three bids. "There is always going to be an appetite for property in these prime locations,'' toke Anshuman Magazine, managing director of CBRE, world property consultant.

Altamount Road winds up hill off Pedder way and is rated as the 10th costliest street in the global (2010, Wealth Bulletin). Breach Candy, Carmicheal Road, Nepeansea Road and Altamount way have always been prime residential locations in south Mumbai where property prices range defrent Rs 45,000 and Rs 85,000 a sq ft.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mubarak ally can run for president Court rules

--> A Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court has overturned the ruling that barred senior members of the government of former President Hosni Mubarak from standing for re-election.

Decision now clears the way for Mubarak’s former prime minister, Ahmed Shafik, to stand in Saturday’s run-off for the president.

Announcement caused consternation among those baner against his candidature.

Court some declared void one third of the parliamentary seats won in the first post Mubarak votinng, dissolving parliament and paving the way for fresh voting.

Weekend’s presidential voting sees Shafik take on the Muslim Brotherhood’s aplecent, Mohammed Morsi.

Monday, June 11, 2012

The 13th film, which follows an adventurous Scottish princess, is visually stunning and strongly voiced, but doesn't take any real risks.

Season's latest feature destined to boost the demand for kids' archery lessons, Brave may disappoint many ardent Pixar loyalists while simultaneously delighting old-time Disney fans.

13th animated feature from the world's most consistently successful film company is its first set in that version of the past forever favored by Disney, that of princesses, kings, queens, witches, evil spells and prankish secondary characters. For all its pictorial and vocal nice, the film's emotional line and dramatic contrivances are both more familiar and less inventive than what's usually delivered by the studio. Younger kids won't mind but many viewers accustomed to relying upon Pixar for something special will feel a sense of letdown due to the lack of adventurousness. A muscular box office ride is virtually a given.

The Part of problem is that Brave never becomes the film that seems to be promised at the outset. reverse a beautiful and eventful prologue in which flaming-maned Scottish princess Merida receives an archery bow for her birthday, glimpses blue will-o'-the-wisps floating through the forest and sees her father, King Fergus (Billy Connolly), lose a leg to a ferocious bear, the action jumps ahead to her adolescence and her obligation to get married.

The strict tutelage of loving but demanding mother Elinor (Emma Thomson), Merida (Kelly Macdonald) has learned the necessities but is a wild lass at heart, desperate for her days off when she can ride off on horseback and perfect her archery. As for marriage, nothing could be less appealing: “I don't want my life to be over,” she rails to her mother. “I want my freedom.”

One look at the top suitors offered up by the three other leading clans and you can see what she means; they're the three stooges of Scotland, whose beefy kinsmen would sooner brawl than shake your hand. Once Merida shows them all up in an archery contest and her furious mother tosses her daughter's prize bow in the fireplace, the headstrong girl takes off on her enormous steed, Angus.

Stands to reason that this first half-hour sets up expectations of a story in some way involving a renegade princess, trouble among the clans and/or a mysterious adventure involving the wisps and some Stonehenge-like arrangements that come into play. The left-turn taken by the script co-authored by Mark Andrews, Steve Purcell, Brenda Chapman and Irene Mecchi, from a story by Chapman, who co-directed with Andrews, might be embraced by those comforted by the familiar. But it's a move that channels the film into startlingly well-worn territory, that of a conventionally toothless and whiskered old witch (Julie Walters) willing to cast a spell to grant Merida's wish to change her mother so as to alter her own fate.

Spell, lo and behold, turns Elinor into an enormous bear, one that retains Elinor's brain and heart but cannot speak. Thus ensues a lot of not-so-hot slapstick as bear Elinor knocks about in quarters too small for her and tries to communicate while Merida feels remorse and endeavors to after the spell.

Results what is a film that starts off big and promising but diminishes into a rather wee thing as it chugs along, with climactic drama that is both too conveniently wrapped up and hinges on magical elements that are somewhat confusing to boot. Not only is the tale laden with standard-issue fairy tale and familiar girl empowerment tropes, but the entire project lacks the imaginative leaps, unexpected jokes and sense of fun and wonder that habitually set Pixar productions apart from the pack. Its ideas seem Earthbound.

A sensory level, however, Brave is almost entirely a delight. The wild beauty of Scotland, of the verdant forests and the craggy peaks, is lovingly rendered with a gorgeous palette of painterly colors and in very agreeable 3D. Even better, the voicings here are among the most exceptional and pleasurable of any animated film you might care to name. Working in pronounced Scottish accents that, to be sure, don't approach the often undecipherable ones heard in Ken Loach films, Scottish actors Macdonald and Connolly are a joy to listen to, as is Thompson, even if too many of the conversations are argumentative in a repetitive vein. Patrick Doyle's active and resourceful score is another major plus in a film that has played it safe instead of taking chances and going for something new.

Venue: Sydney Film Festival (opening night)
Opens: June 22 (Disney)
Production: Pixar Animation Studios
Voice cast: Kelly Macdonald, Billy Connolly, Emma Thompson, Julie Walters, Robbie Coltrane, Kevin McKidd, Craig Ferguson, Sally Kinghom, Eilidh Fraser, Peigi Barker, Steven Cree, Steve Purcell, Callum O'Neill, Patrick Doyle, John Ratzenberger
Directors: Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman
Co-director: Steve Purcell
Screenwriters: Mark Andrews, Steve Purcell, Brenda Chapman, Irene Mecchi, story by Brenda Chapman
Producer: Katherine Sarafian
Executive producers: John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton, Pete Docter
Directors of photography: Robert Anderson (camera), Danielle Feinberg (lighting)
Production designer: Steve Pilcher
Editor: Nicholas C. Smith
Music: Patrick Doyle
PG rating, 93 minute

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The European Football Championship UEFA

European Football Championship is the main football competition of the pepole's national football teams governed by UEFA (the Union of European Football Associations). Held every four years since 1960, in the even-numbered year between World Cup tournaments, it was originally called the UEFA European Nations Cup, changing to the current name in 1968. Starting with the 1996 tournament, specific championships are often referred to in the form "Euro 2012" or whichever year is appropriate.

Prior the entering of tournament all teams other than the host nations (which qualify automatically) compete in a qualifying process.Championship winners earn the opportunity to compete in following FIFA Confederations Cup, but are not obliged to do so.[1]

A 13 European Championship tournaments have been won by nine different national teams. Germany is the most successful team in the history of the tournament, winning three times in six final appearances. France and Spain are the only other multiple-time winners with two titles each.Other European Championship winners have been Italy, Czechoslovakia, Netherlands, Denmark, Greece and inaugural winners Soviet Union, with one title each. Since the tournament started in 1960, no team has managed consecutive wins.[2]

A last championship, co-hosted by Switzerland and Austria in 2008, was won by Spain, who beat Germany 1–0. The 2012 European Championship is currently being co-hosted by Poland and Ukraine from 8 June to 1 July.[3]

Thursday, June 7, 2012

2012-13 Muhith unfolds Tk 191,738 cr budget

June 7 (BSS),Dhaka - Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith today rolled out in the Jatiya Sangsad a Taka 191,738 crore national budget for fiscal (FY) 2012-13 to spur growth attaching more concentration on maintaining macroeconomic stability, mobilization of internal resources and poverty alleviation.

New budget eyes 7.2 percent GDP growth while it targets to bring down the inflation rate to 7.5 percent for the fiscal 2012- 13. The size of the budget for the fiscal 2012-13 is Tk 30,525 crore, or 18.93 percent higher than the current fiscal's revised budget of Tk 161,213 crore.

Finance minister has proposed an allocation of Tk 1,36,738 crore for non- development and other expenditure.

National budget for the FY 2012-13 has set an Annual Development Programme (ADP) of Taka 55,000 crore with 61 percent or Taka 33,500 crore coming from domestic resources and the remaining 39 percent or Taka 21,500 crore from the external resources.

This 34.15 percent or Tk 14,000 crore higher than the current year's revised ADP Taka 41,000 crore.

The cabinet in a meeting at Sangsad Bhavan with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the chair approved the budget for the fiscal 2012-13 and the revised budget for the FY 2011-12 which were authenticated by President Zillur Rahman prior to placing them before the Jatiya Sangsad by Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith.

Runing govment 2011-2012 Bangladesh passes national budget

20 days after being tabled at the Jatiya Sangsad (National Parliament) on June 9, Bangladesh’s National Budget for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 was passed on June 29 the parliament.

Country’s Huges budget, with 1.63 trillion taka (US$22 billion), is nearly 28% bigger than that the current Fiscal Year which ends on June 30. The budget will see a deficit of Tk 452.04 billion excluding grants,finance minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith had said while tabling it on June 9.

Abul Maal Abdul Muhith projected an increase the fiscal deficit to 5% of gross domestic product (GDP) targeted at 8.9 trillion takas, up from a revised 4.4% of GDP in the fiscal year that ends this month. To meet the deficit,government plans to borrow around 130.58 billion takas from foreign sources and 272.08 billion takas locally

Abul Maal Abdul Muhith said the government will take “unpopular” decisions such as reducing subsidies, money supply and private-sector credit growth to bring down inflation to 7.5% from a current 10.7% as recorded in April and a revised 8% full-year inflation target for the 12 months to June 31, 2011

The All budget outlay, the government proposes to spend 1.03 trillion takas in the non-development sector, including 165.19 billion takas to repay internal debts and 14.78 billion takas to pay back foreign loans; 506.42 billion takas was earmarked for development activities

He parmanant 460 billion takas for the Annual Development Program (ADP), a possibly ambitious target as only 60% of the present year’s 358 billion takas for ADP has been implemented.

The Daily Star reported, a total of Tk 957.85 billion is expected from tax govment and Tk 226 billion from non-tax govmant. The finance minister expects foreign grants of Tk 4,938 crore for the upcoming budget.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The 'kill list': New presidential duty

Nation learned details this week a new and deadly presidential: The 'kill list."
Early his term, President, counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan, and Gen. James Cartwright formed author Daniel Klaidman calls "a kind of special troika on targeted killings"

"Three men were making life-and-death decisions, picking targets, rejecting or accepting names put forward by the military, feeling way through a new kind of war -- Obama's war,"

"Another sign of the new times on war. It involves not battalions on open battlefields, but intelligence gathering, legal analysis, and unmanned drones aimed specific targets. The list can range from Osama bin Laden to al Qaeda foot soldiers whose names are virtually unknown the American public."

Friday, June 1, 2012

Death of children in house fire remanded over Parents

A MOTHER and father charged with murdering their six children in an arson attack on the family home in Derby, central England, were remanded in custody Friday after making a brief court appearance.

Mick Philpott 55-year and his wife Mairead 31-year were arrested Tuesday in connection with the May 11,2012 fire that killed 13-year-old Duwayne, 10-year-old Jade, plus brothers John, nine, Jack, seven, Jessie, six, and five-year-old Jayden.

The 5 children all died in the fire in the house, while Duwayne succumbed to his injuries in the hospital two days later.

The public gallery was crowded during the couple's appearance Friday at Nottingham Crown Court. As Mick Philpott and a tearful-looking Mairead Philpott left the courtroom, people watching from the gallery called out "disgrace" and "scum," Sky News reported.

2 people are asked to leave a hearing before Derby magistrates Thursday following similar abusive interruptions.

The Philpotts were not inside in the house when gasoline was deliberately poured through the mail slot. Police said at the time that Mick Philpott returned to see the fire blazing and made a "valiant" attempt to save his six children.

Jobless Mick Philpott,55 has fathered 17 children in all and been the subject of a television documentary. He recently entered a custody battle with former mistress Lisa Willis, 28, mother to five of his children.

Police initially arrested a 38 year old man and a 28 year old woman on suspicion of murder shortly after the fire, but both were released without charge the after day.

The Philpotts are set to return to Nottingham Crown Court on June 18,2012 for a preliminary hearing.


Obama order after increased cyber attacks on Iran

 President Barack Obama secretly ordered cyber attacks on the systems that run Iran's nuclear program be increased during the early days of his presidency, FOX News Channel confirmed today, citing a senior national security source.

The attacks began during the Bush administration under the code name "Olympic Games," according to a report in The New York Times.

Obama made the decision to accelerate the cyber attacks after malware named Stuxnet accidentally became public in the summer of 2010. A programming error enabled it to leave Iran's Natanz nuclear facility and sent it across the globe via the internet, the newspaper reported.

According to experts, Stuxnet was sent to home in on the computers running uranium enrichment centrifuges at Natanz, destroying thousands of them and setting the atomic program back months.

It also was said to have disrupted operations at Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant in June 2010.

Tehran has long blamed the US and Israel for creating the worm, but claimed the damage Stuxnet caused was significantly less than suggested by Western media.

Another cyber weapon - named Flame - recently attacked computers at Iran's Oil Ministry and the National Iranian Oil Company, wiping data off official servers.

US officials declined to take responsibility for the Flame attack on Iran.

Read more at the New York Times:

Bangladesh and India relationship of the Mutual cooperation

                                       Bangladesh and India relationship of  Mutual cooperation

Speakers at the dialogue Tuesday laid emphasis in broad-based mutual cooperation between Bangladesh and India for combating poor through economic development on the region.

They were of the view that policy makers of the two SAARC countries should come up with concrete collaborative steps so that the relations between the two next door neighbours could further develop and strengthen in coming days.

The importance of a mutual cooperation came up for discussion at the inaugural session of a three-day dialogue on "Cooperative Development, Peace and Security in the South and Central Asia: Strengthening India-Bangladesh Relations"

A Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad (BUP), in the association with Bangladesh Network Environmental Governance (BENG), jointly organised the event at Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation on five key issues -- Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, Water Development and Sharing, Connectivity, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).

Advisor (International Affairs) the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Dr Gowhar Rizvi said there are a number of the problems faced by both the neighbouring countries such as poverty, security, child and women trafficking and terrorism.

"It cannot be resolved alone. It can be solved through collective and joint efforts," he said, adding that a relationship between the two South Asian countries has received a boost after the visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to Delhi last year when three treaties were signed in connection.

"I think both Prime Ministers are very much committed to face any problems jointly to make the region safer," the advisor said, adding that no one can prosper leaving his neighbour in the problems.

"For our mutual benefits we should expand trade and investment in the areas by developing connectivity and focus should be on building infrastructures so that other countries around us can use it,"

Indian High Commissioner in Bangladesh Rajeet Mitter said the agreements signed between the two nations last year had created huge business opportunities for Bangladesh business community in the northeastern part of India where 10 per cent of the country's total budget allocation was spent

"Bangladesh exports also grew by 5 times in India over the last few years and both the nations took their stand against terrorism and fundamentalism for the sake of prosperity in the areas," the high commissioner said.

He said security in the border areas was the big challenge for the mutual understanding among both sides. But discussions were going on between high-ups of both the border forces in this regard.

The high commissioner said a number of Indian investors have now started investment in Bangladesh. "A power plant with a capacity of 1300mw electricity will be installed by 2012-13 jointly in Bangladesh."

The high commissioner said a number of Indian investors have now started investment in Bangladesh. "A power plant with a capacity of 1300mw electricity will be installed by 2012-13 jointly in Bangladesh."

About visa processing, he said his office issues 2000 visas a day to the Bangladeshi nationals.

Professor Sucha Sing Gill from India said joint efforts can help both the countries resolve all kinds of obstacles which are against the economic development.

The century will be a century for Asia this time as the region is growing very fast than others," he said, adding that the dialogue will help reach some concrete suggestions to be handed over later to the governments of Bangladesh and India for inter-relation developmen

Among others, Dr Qazi Kholiquzzaman, editorial director of a India Today MJ Akbar and Ambassador CM Shafi Sami also spoke on the occasion.

Olympics will be biggest smartgame ever London 2012

                                                              Olympics 2012 Studiam

It's less than two months to go before the London 2012 Olympic Games get under way. The information technology, communications, media system, sports and technology security systems are now in place. And, all these are going to rely on the IT infrastructure that the €8.5-billion French major Atos has successfully built.
And, there is an India link too. Atos's India centre will play a major role in developing software for the games' management.
Atos became the worldwide information technology partner for the Olympic Games after Salt Lake City in 2002. Over the last ten years, it has been integral to the success of every Winter and Summer Olympic Games. It is responsible for leading the association of IT partners to design, build and operate the massive, mission-critical IT infrastructure and solutions that will support the London games.
For the London Games, which are to commence on July 17, Atos predicts that technology will play a bigger role in two areas. Firstly, in improving access to information as audiences worldwide expect more detailed and colourful information to be delivered, as it happens, to an increasingly complex network of channels. Secondly, the technology infrastructure will also enable sustainability.

Mr Milind Kamat, CEO, Atos India, shares his perspective on Atos's association with London Olympics.
How important is IT going to be in the Games?
IT is critical to the London Games both in terms of organising the games and distributing the results to the world. In fact, without IT the games could not happen. For instance, Atos will deliver a system to accredit 20,000 persons – athletes, coaches, media and VIPs. There will be real-time information and results to the world's broadcast media through the Atos Commentator Information System in less than 0.3 seconds to broadcasters globally. There is also a volunteer portal, which is being helped to recruit 70,000 volunteers and enables them to keep up-to-date on all the news about the volunteer programme and their role.
How different is IT usage going to be in this game?
From each game we learn valuable lessons that we transfer to the next. New for the London Games will be myInfo+ – an internet application that enables accredited media, sports officials and athletes to access information available to them. Competition schedules, medal ranking tables, transport news, and sports records can be accessed on their laptops and smart phones.
How easy will it be to access information related to the games?
With 8.5 billion PCs, smartphones and tablets predicted to be connected to the Internet, the London Games are set to be the biggest smartgames ever. Spectators globally will be able to watch athletes real-time on the device of their choice.
How many Atos employees are going to be deployed for this?
Around 350 will be working as a team. Overall, it will be over 3,500, including team members from London 2012, other technology partners and volunteers.
What is the quantum of data that is
going to be generated?
Atos expects to process 30 per cent more results data than in Beijing to ensure the world's media meets the increasing demand of fans.
Will the India centre of Atos be involved in IT implementation?
Atos has a dedicated Development centre in India aligned with our Olympics team in Barcelona to develop software for games management.
What are your expectations on the Games?
Atos is committed to helping London 2012 deliver a great game. The Atos team of Business Technologists will be striving for their personal bests, in the same way any athlete will be. By completing more than 200,000 hours of testing ahead of the Games, Atos Business Technologists will be as well prepared as any athlete. M Atos Business Technologists from India will participate as volunteers in the London Games.

For Syria Germany, Russia Back Political Solution Assad forces fire on protesters

Chancellor Angela Merkel says Germany and Russia are united in seeking a political solution to the escalating conflict in Syria.
Merkel spoke on June 1 in Berlin alongside visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is making his first foreign trip since being inaugurated for a third term as Russian president last month. 
Merkel urged the international community to ramp up efforts toward putting an end to the bloodshed in Syria.

We agreed that each country, and I said this on behalf of Germany, must do its utmost to ensure this [conflict in Syria] doesn't turn into a civil war  more people to suffer, Merkel said.
Her comments came amid renewed Western pressure on Russia over its opposition to tougher United Nations action against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. 
Syria has been a longtime ally of Moscow and a major purchaser of Russian arms. 
Western-led calls for action against Syria intensified following last week's massacre in the Syrian town of Houla that left 108 people dead. Many of the victims were children and women who had been reportedly killed execution-style.
The killings sparked international outrage and prompted many nations to expel Syrian diplomats.
More than 10,000 people, mostly civilians, are estimated to have been killed in violence since the uprising against Assad's regime began in March 2011.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on May 31 warned that Moscow's stance could contribute to a Syrian civil war.
"We agreed that each country, and I said this on behalf of Germany, must do its utmost to ensure this [conflict in Syria] doesn't turn into a civil war or cause more people to suffer," Merkel said.
Her comments came amid renewed Western pressure on Russia over its opposition to tougher United Nations action against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. 
Syria has been a longtime ally of Moscow and a major purchaser of Russian arms. 
Western-led calls for action against Syria intensified following last week's massacre in the Syrian town of Houla that left 108 people dead. Many of the victims were children and women who had been reportedly killed execution-style.
The killings sparked international outrage and prompted many nations to expel Syrian diplomats.
More than 10,000 people, mostly civilians, are estimated to have been killed in violence since the uprising against Assad's regime began in March 2011.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on May 31 warned that Moscow's stance could contribute to a Syrian civil war.
#No Russia Backing:-

At a news conference, Putin stressed that Moscow neither backed Assad in the conflict nor sold weapons that could be used in a civil conflict to the Syrian regime.

All those who claim that Russia supports any particular regime in this case President Assad's regime - are wrong. We have had good relations with Syria for many years but we do not support either side, Putin said.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, however, on June1 said that Russia's stance on the conflict in Syria is widely viewed as supporting the Assad government.

Speaking in oslo, Clinton reiterated that the continued supply of arms from Russia has strengthened the Assad regime.
Newly elected French President Francois Hollande, who will host talks with Putin later on June 1 said he would seek to persuade Putin to back a new round of sanctions against the Syrian regime.
Hollande has not ruled out an international military intervention in Syria, but says the move must first be backed by the UN Security Council, of which Russia is a veto-holding permanent member.
Russian government spokesmen said earlier this week that Moscow is categorically opposed to foreign military intervention in Syria, and that Russia will not be swayed by pressure from Western states.
Putin's meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel also focused on Moscow's push for greater Russian access to European markets. Germany is Russia's single biggest EU trade partner.
The duo was expected to discuss energy issues, including progress on the North Stream pipeline, which is planned to pump Russian gas to Germany across the Baltic Sea.
Merkel on June 1 called Russia a "reliable energy supplier."
She said talks with the Russian president also touched on Iran's controversial nuclear activities, over which Russia has also opposed UN sanctions backed by the West.

#Death toll mounts in Syria crackdown:-

Syria regime forces opened fire on protesters killing 43 people across the country according to Local Coordination Committees.

Scores of protests broke out across Syria to condemn the May 25 Houla massacre.

At one protest in Duma, “regime forces opened fire on demonstrators. Everyone had to run away because there was nobody there to protect them,” activist Mohammed al-Dumani said via Skype.

The demonstrations were called to commemorate the 108 victims of a massacre last week, including 49 children, in the central town of Houla. Activists hailed the children as the “flares of victory” in the 15-month anti-regime uprising.

Large crowds in Aleppo, northern Syria, “chanted for the victory of the martyrs of Houla,” also reportedly coming under regime gunfire, another activist who declined to be named told AFP.

The U.N.-backed ceasefire that came into force on April 12 has failed to take hold. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, almost 2,300 people have been killed since the start of the truce.

Earlier on Friday, regime troops killed five people during raids in the town of Daraya outside the capital Damascus, the Britain-based monitoring group said.

Regime troops stormed the town -- a center for the armed opposition -- with tanks and fired shells at its western districts, the Observatory said.

Local activists said the five killed were civilians, adding that one of them was an activist and “regime forces burnt his body completely after they killed him.”

The Houla massacre, which Damascus blamed on “armed groups,” stoked an international outcry and the expulsion of top Syrian diplomats from several Western countries.

On Friday morning, in al-Esseily neighborhood of Damascus, protesters demanded that further action be taken against the Syrian authorities.

“O Arabs, we demand more than the expulsion of the (Syrian) ambassadors; we also demand the expulsion of the Russian and Chinese ambassadors” in Damascus, read one poster.

In the southern province of Daraa, a man was shot dead as he left a mosque in al-Sheikh Maskeen village, while heavy gunfire and explosions were reported in several towns.

In Homs province, a child was injured in regime shelling of Houla, according to the Observatory.